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Frontal 100% superimposed rigid wall collision test Frontal 40% overlap deformable wall collision test Deformable moving barrier side impact test Whip test The pedestrian protection Active safety pluses Total score
29 北京汽车股份有限公司--E150 1.5L乐尚手动版 In 2012, batches of 3 9.99 6.22 16.42 4.81 - - 2.00 35.70 2012
28 戴姆勒股份公司--smart 1.0L灵动版 In 2015, batches of 4 14.49 16.38 16.77 3.42 - - 2.00 53.10 2015
27 上汽大众汽车有限公司--全新晶锐1.6L自动智行版 In 2015, batches of 2 14.23 14.36 16.59 7.73 - - 3.00 52.20 2012
26 宝马汽车公司--MINI COOPER FUN In 2014, batches of 4 15.49 15.74 17.43 7.41 - - 4.00 56.70 2012
25 哈飞汽车股份有限公司--路宝 In 2007, batches of 4 3.55 8.88 10.51 - - - - 22.90 2006
24 一汽海马汽车有限公司--丘比特 In 2010, batches of 3 11.79 13.52 10.10 - - - 0.50 35.90 2009
23 长安福特马自达汽车有限公司--嘉年华 In 2010, batches of 4 12.32 14.77 15.38 - - - 3.00 45.50 2009
22 重庆长安汽车股份有限公司--奔奔 In 2007, batches of 4 2.37 11.38 4.81 - - - - 18.60 2006
21 浙江豪情汽车制造有限公司--英伦SC515豪华型 In 2013, batches of 1 15.85 14.56 18.00 7.36 - - 3.00 55.40 2012
20 北京汽车股份有限公司--E150 1.5L乐享自动版 In 2012, batches of 3 12.25 6.47 17.85 5.14 - - 3.00 41.10 2012
A total of 29 data,1/3 pages